All posts in "Shooting Ear Protection Advice"

      Using Ear Plugs Side Effects

      By TES

      Whether you are wearing earplugs while sleeping or regularly for your job, prolonged and improper use of earplugs can cause side effects. More often than not, we only consider the positives of wearing earplugs. Yet, many people face struggles with wearing them. In this article, I will cover several common side effects of using ear […]


        What is the Recommended NRR for Shooting?

        By TES

        With the many different types of guns and ranges, finding the recommended NRR (NRR stand for Noise Reduction Rating) for shooting can be tough – especially if you are new to the sport. There are a few things to consider and it is best to fully understand what NRR is, how it is calculated, the […]


          Hunting Hearing Protection: How to buy the right one?

          By TES

          Choosing a hearing protector varies from person to person. It depends on a number of factors including level of noise, comfort, and the suitability of the protector to the environment. The most important being the level of noise reduced, as it is the main reason why hearing protectors are used.


            How to select the best Shooting Earmuff?

            By TES

            If you love taking trips to the shooting range or have periodic hunts, you need to invest in a good pair of earmuffs that will protect your ears against the harmful noise of gunshots.

            There are a lot of choices for earmuffs in the market, which will leave you stunned on what shooting earmuff to pick.


              How to select a Hunting Earplug?

              By TES

              For the most part, having any old earplugs will not be a sufficient method of preventing harm as a result of the loud noises by firearms. You should definitely take the time to investigate further and purchase a number of hunting earplugs or ear protector to ensure that you have backups that are up to the same standard as the ones you have identified as being essential to your firearm operation.


                How to buy the best shooting earplug?

                By TES

                Operation of any firearm always requires adequate protection, be it eye protection, reflective vests when you are out hunting in the wild or hearing protection. Finding the best shooting ear plugs can be a slight challenge, particularly when you want to find one that not only suits your style of shooting but also our preferences on design, use and price.


                  How to buy the best Hunting Earmuff?

                  By TES

                  Before choosing the best hunting earmuff for you, make sure to get it according to your lifestyle. Take into consideration the frequency and duration of your hunts and the firearm you use.